The Wonderful World of Stickers!


I was cleaning out my cupboards and found something that reminded me of the latter half of my childhood: sticker books. This happened during the end of the 90s. I don’t know why, but collecting stickers was the new cool thing with the kids at school.

It didn’t matter what kind of sticker it was (okay, nobody would collect labels or anything but you know what I meant). If it was a sticker and resembled a cartoon, it would go into the sticker book.



Step One: Collect them all!

Suddenly, the kids discovered a Korean store that sold Korean stickers called Lovely White and others. Those stickers put our western ones to shame! I wanted to own as many of those as possible. I mean look at them, aren’t they pretty? My goal at the time was to fill up my sticker books and hand it to my child/grandchild when I die.


Lovely White was ranked no. 1 in the sticker collecting world.

After elementary school, I stopped collecting stickers. It seemed everyone was over it, so I left my stickerbooks to gather dust for all these years.

Now I stare at these stickers wondering, why didn’t I use them? What am I going to do with them now?

Instead of having fun and sticking these into the activity book, I decided to keep them. Oh me. So greedy.


We are supposed to be stuck on a wild west background, dummy!

So now, whenever I get the chance, I will use them. Apparently people still collect stickers. There’s even a whole blog dedicated to sticker collecting. You can enter a competition to win more stickers!!!!111

No! I will not get sucked in again.

Calling Doc Martens

Dr. Martens are back, baby!

These shoes were created in 1945 by Doctor Klaus Maertens for comfortable wear. Apparently almost every teenager had a pair in the late 90s. They’re not the prettiest shoes you have ever seen, but in the 90s, people only cared about comfort. Baggy shirts and jeans are comfortable; throw them on. Now that I mention it, I could really use some Doc Martens. I’m wearing leather shoes at the moment and one of my toes is killing me.

A superb add of classic Dr. Marten shoes 1460 from 1997. Click to enlarge.


I see students wear them as school shoes. Yeah. School shoes were a huge hit in the 90s.


I find these knee high ones much more edgier.


Dr. Martens have released fluoro colours for the new era. I read in some fashion magazine it’s great to wear these with miniskirts. NO thanks. Try wearing them with acid-washed jeans. Vomit. How ’80s would you look, huh? If you haven’t noticed, I don’t like 80s fashion. Especially not the fluoro colours.


Vintage black is the way to go. For females; wear them with your Little Black Dress or other winter dresses to give the feminine look some edge. For males; try not to wear it with too much black as you will look gothic. Wear them with patterned pants and plain shirt. If you think you can’t pull it off, jeans are always a good but safe option.

Here are some of the latest models/celebrities wearing Doc Martens around.

agydocmartens1[Agyness Deyn]

90224NI4[Emily Blunt]


Ross: Joey, nice shoes, man.
Joey: Thanks, man.
Ross: [Long Pause] Ehem. What about mine?
Joey: What about yours?

Beep* Beep* I’m Hungry!

The year is 1997 and Tamagotchis are the new craze! It was created and released in 1996 but I don’t know when it was released in our country.


The Game: You must feed it when it’s hungry. It’s a good idea to play a game with your Tamagotchi pet. There is only one game you can play with it and I still don’t get the purpose. The Tamagotchi waits for you to pick left or right. You press one and sometimes you are right and sometimes you are wrong. Sometimes your Tamagotchi can become ill from lack of care or something. You will need to give it an injection. There is a status section that is the most helpful to check how happy, healthy, and hungry your Tamagotchi is. Whenever it needs you, your Tamagotchi will beep to let you know. Do not neglect it or something bad will happen. You set the time before you begin so your Tamagotchi sleeps when you do.

I really,really, really wanted a Tamagotchi. I never had a real pet when I was in elementary so the thought of an electronic pet is brilliant! Like any other kid that wants a toy, I kept nagging my mom. Everywhere we went I saw one and I didn’t give up.

Then we went overseas and there were so many of those rip-off Tamagotchis. There were toy stands everywhere! I didn’t know the difference between a real one and a rip-off one so I didn’t care.


We arrived at our relatives place and my cousin gave me her small Tamagotchi because she was going to buy the bigger version. My dreams came true! I was the happiest girl in the world.

After two weeks, the Tamagotchi was a pain! They drive you absolutely crazy! Beeep Beep! Beep Beep! Doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re doing, that thing will beep until you do something about it. I can’t recall how many times it has woken me up early in the morning for food or something else. I was getting ready for the group photoshoot for a wedding and I actually stopped the process to feed my Tamagotchi. I actually have a picture of that but I’m not putting that up!

My mother was yelling at me of course for making everybody wait. Didn’t they understand that my Tamagotchi was hungry and it was more important than anything in the world? Nope. I don’t understand either. The worse thing was that it beeped more often than the first week I played with it. I didn’t know understand why.


[Look at how colourful they are. They sure knew how to attrack the kids.]

Finally we came home and I wanted my Tamagotchi to die already! It wouldn’t die! Oh yeah, I found out that it kept beeping because it was fat so it wanted to eat more often than usual. I thought I had to wait until the batteries died for this game to finish. Eventually I found out how to stop it and I did. I felt so guilty.

Tamagotchis are horrible. Don’t buy them.

Yo-Yo Time

If you were a kid growing up in the 90s, you must have gone through the Yo-Yo phase. Now yo-yos weren’t developed in the 90s or anything, in fact, it went all the way back to 1000 BCE, but it was in the 90s that it became so big. Pretty much every child had a yo-yo. If you didn’t have one, there must have been something wrong with you. Everyone was yo-yoing during recess and one time I didn’t have one. It was so boring watching everyone play and do tricks with their yo-yos while I just stood there.


(I wanted to put a picture of my yo-yos but I can’t find them anywhere.)

Yo-yos were so big that The Simpsons even did an episode about it. I haven’t seen that episode in a long, long time. Don’t remember what happened.


The only tricks I can remember at the top of my head was the cradle and the dog walker. For the cradle you use the string to form a triangle around the yo-yo and rock the yo-yo back and forth. Not really a trick, just something cute somebody thought. I saw the dog walker for the first time performed by my P.E. teacher. He brought the yo-yo in and started showing off. The yo-yo would keep jumping up and down his leg as if it were a dog. We all thought it was so cool.

If you had any tricks you thought up the top of your head, be sure to tell!